Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lucky Chops Review End

Image result for Lucky Chops wallpaper                 I would most definitely recommend this band to anyone. You can tell that they work hard to make there songs great. Here is the Link to there website. You can book tickets for concerts and listen to all of there new songs I hope you guys enjoy. Our next instrumental band that will be reviewed is the PIANO GUYS!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Coco- Parody by Lucky Chops

This song is a very solo like song. It has many duets with the different instruments. In this song the Trumpet-Joshua Gawel- and the Baritone Saxophone-Leo P-Big have a very big part in the song. There are many solo's by them. The Trumpet has many parts of the same solo's, but every time he plays it the solo seems very different. The Bari sax has a solo in the middle and near the end where he starts the buildup for another huge comeback by the band. In that same build up the Trumpet is doing a really cool trick it is going up the scale with the valves halfway down. They both have a really cool part.
Here is the link to the song, PLease tell me what you think!!


Problem- Adriana grande- Parody by Lucky Chops

This next song is a great introduction to each person in the band each person plays a good part in the song. They each have there own little solo or part in the song. It's also just a great arrangement to hear this is one of the first songs of them that I downloaded. I love this song, you can tell the work that they put into the song. This song has a great trumpet part as well he has his one solo multiple times, but every time you here it you are waiting for another big part to come along. Here is the link for the song please tell me what you think.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

More recomendations for lucky chops

          I would now like to recommend the song Hello by Lucky chops. This Song is very collaborate and you can tell that they put a lot into this song. Each person plays the same part, but at different times. The tone of each instrument as it plays is AMAZING. Each person plays a big part in this song. The tuba provides background and makes the cords sound good, The trumpet, Saxophone, Baritone Sax and Trombone all Provide melody to this great song, and the Drums makes sure that everyone stays on beat and adds cool percussion Background.

Thank you. Here is the Link to

Hello-Lucky Chops
Lucky Chops Hello ADELE COVER YouTube

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Lucky Chops


    The first band that I would like to nominate for the rest of this month and next month is Lucky Chops Brass Band. These guys are my personal favorite and they inspired me to start my own band. Here is a link to one of their songs. I hope you Enjoy and please tell me what you think, I will be posting more about them late, but always feel free to look it up yourself!

Without you-Lucky Chops